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Har du en kommentar eller en kritik, så bliver du spurgt om du vil være anonym og det lover vi en whistleblower hvis det ønskes

Helsingør Kommune suger igen en bundskraber som Danmarks mest erhvervsfjentlige Kommune, på en sidste plads i Dansk industri´s erhvervsvenlighedsmålinger sammen med yderkommunerne Lolland og Falster.

Samtidig beskyldes Helsingør Kommune, ifølge fagforeningerne HK og Djøf for at "opføre sig grænseoverskridende - Hysterisk og truende over for medarbejderne i kommunens whistleblowerenhed, Borgere og ikke mindst Erhvervslivet.

Kommunen mangler en handlekraftig ledelse og hjemsøges tillige af stigende Digital korruption
Læs også Hvem taber og vinder på korruption i byrådet ?


whistleblowerenheden modtog i september en anonym henvendelse. I den rettes en række anklager mod "blandt andet" Benedikte Kiær. Er de andre: "blandt andet" Jens Bertram ?
HD skriver ligeledes: - Borgmesteren har desuden via tredjepart "udtalt trusler" over for de ansatte. Jens Bertram er udover at være Byrådspolitiker, også erhvervsmand. . . Hvem er "Tredjepart" i whistleblowersagen ?🤔😎

Som vi i 2008 - 2013, ikke kunne lokke børnefamilien til kommunen uden boliger, så vil Helsingør kommune om 5 - 10 år opleve en virksomhedsflugt med flere mistede arbejdspladser end da Værftet lukkede i 1983
Ledelsen, herunder Jens Bertram Hæmmer kommunens udvikling og har ganske enkelt ikke sans for eller føling med udviklingen og har endnu ikke set at der rejser sig en GLOBAL folkebevægelse med krav om "bæredygtig produktion" som et "salgsparameter. - det kan produktionsvirksomhederne i Helsingør ikke leve op til fordi Kommunen kan ikke levere den efterspurgte CO2 emisionsfrie energi, men Kommunens virksomheder må flytte til andre kommuner, ganske enkelt fordi Helsingør kommune IKKE kan levere GRØN ENERGI til produktionen fordi Forsyning Helsingør. nu har dummet sig 2 gange og har planlagt et tredje forsøg som i det samlede regnskab udleder mere CO2 til atmosfæren end et kulfyret kraftværk i Rusland.

For rigtig mange virksomheder betyder CO2 emissionsfri energi, liv eller død, og kan virksomheden ikke dokumentere en CO2 emissionsfri produktion og drift inden 2030, vil virksomheden bukke under i skarp konkurrence og kapløbet om "DEN GRØNNE OMSTILLING" - - Den energi og de betingelser kan Helsingør Kommune ikke levere.

En solcellepark i Skandinavien producerer IKKE CO2 emissionsfri energi og kommer aldrig til det. - I 2014-2018 advarede vi også Forsyning Helsingør og forklarede ved direkte Mail til Bertram, at afbrænding af flis og biomasse udleder langt mere CO2 til atmusfæren end både Kul Gas og Olie.

Det er Forsyning Helsingør´s pligt at levere CO2 emissionsfri energi inden 2030, men med Jens Bertram som formand og den strategi Forsyning Helsingør har, er det dokumenterbart umuligt, med mindre der indstilles en ny formand med "klogere" visioner omkring den grønne omstilling, og et langt bedre forhold til Kommunens erhvrvsliv.

Martin Lyngaa Simonsen

New role of stores in the digital age  

New role of stores in the digital age

    How to remain relevant if stores have played out their role in the retail customer experience?

    Is Physical Retail Dead?

    The numbers have sent a clear message to retailers in the physical space with footfall down between 10-20%, and eCommerce increasing with 20-30% depending on sector – meaning that the non-store retailers share of total sales are now above 20% in most sectors. And on top of that smart phone shopping is +50% and increasing.

    Have the Alibaba’s and Amazon’s won the war and left physical retail outside the scope of distribution of products? If the answer is yes, then what is in fact the role, if any, for the physical store?

    As Lee Peterson, WD partners has stated over the last 5 years

    “People don’t have to go to store anymore, they have to want to go to stores”

    – meaning that stores need to add something to the brand and customer experience to stay relevant.

    So we need to design the future of retail, where bricks will be about experiencing brands and vs.simply purchasing goods as in the past. As your on-line sales grow, consider the physical role of your brand to be the place where the customer can sense what you are all about.

    helsingør Svingelport Danmark

    How to draw the consumer to physical spaces in the digital age?

    At Implement Consulting Group, we believe it starts with understanding each of the potential touchpoints in the customer journey across channels, and understanding where the physical channel is important to keep shoppers on the path to purchase by enriching the customer experience with either:

    • Inspiration, touch & feel and trial opportunities, or
    • The need for instant fulfilment, or
    • As a service point for click & collect, BOPIS or managing returns or
    • Consider a form of food & beverage

    The physical retail customer journey starts online and more than 50% of the shoppers today (global average) do online research before buying in-store. Meaning that the first touchpoints with half of the retail customers occur online. So to drive traffic to stores and to win in physical retail, online retail channels must deliver on superior customer touchpoints. However, we also know that more than 50% of online customers turn to physical channels before making their purchase. Meaning that all the online and SOME efforts can be wasted and the customer lost to competition, if we as a brand where not able to cater to the physical needs of the shopper.

    The first conclusion being that knowing who your customers are is key in an integrated retail world where physical and online retail channel integration is a prerequisite to meet customer expectations - More than half of the new ‘digital’ customer segment require a seamless cross-channel experience, where they are able to start and end in any channel of their choice. Moreover, more than half in both the physical and online channels want personalization and a shopping experience which is relevant to the consumer. 

    helsingør Svingelport Loppemarked
    Fleamarked Svingelport

    The second conclusion being that we need physical stores - however the role is changing and the format it used to be needs to change. Retailers will need to carefully plan their store footprint to remain close to their customers, but need to think much more about the role of the stores and develop stronger and modular concepts for:

    1. Pop-up stores to stay close to customers – to move the value closer to the customer and stay more agile and mobile, where the full year business case is too weak
    2. Showroom stores to build brand awareness, but at the same time reduce the amount of m2 needed.
    3. Experience stores to allow shoppers and consumers to connect with the brand and create conversations about the products
    4. Fulfillment stores to bring distribution closer to the consumer and provide instant delivery where and if needed, as well as being a service center for click’n’collect and BOPIS to drive down costs
    5. Social playgrounds where the natural flow and traffic of your consumers will bring visits more often – with integration of quality food halls and caffees, space for in-door activities and co-working spaces and dialogue
    6. Food & Beverage has now come in to play as a draw, especially for younger consumers. The idea of having lunch and browsing brands is starting to mean more than the actual act of buying

    The role of the store can then be one or more of the above and the customer experience and role within the touch-points needs to be carefully planned to deliver commercial impact and the supply chain need to be designed in a way to make products available across stores at the right time and place.

    However, making the point about relevance of the physical touch-points need to be seen in connection with the need to offer an omni-commerce experience. A few facts to support this:

    • Companies with omni-channel customer engagement strategies retain on average 89% of their customers, compared to 33% for companies with weak omni-channel engagement…
    • +50% of population who did research online before buying in-store ….
    • +70% of digital shoppers consider in-store experience as the most important channel when making a purchase and…
    • +50% Growth in on-line sales when a physical store opens
    • +70% of online shoppers who have used buy online, pick-up in store services.
    • +60% of customers expect to receive a seamless customer service regardless of which channel they are using

    Call for action in retail

    If you are closing stores or are unsure if you should open new stores, you need to consider your full store footprint and formats, which will enable you to remain close and relevant

    helsingør Svingelport Danmark
    Place du Tertre ét Svingelport du Paris

    If you do not bring a closeness (as part of a great customer experience) into your customers everyday path of living and movements, your customers are leaving your stores to go somewhere else - therefore

    • Make bricks retail about experiencing brands
    • Make bricks retail be the place where the customer can sense what you are all about.
    • Make bricks retail a core part of the customer journey
    • Make bricks retail the reason why customers also shop your brands in other channels
      “We need to change the way we think about what our consumers and shoppers want from the physical retail experience and design the physical foot-print to keep customers on the path to purchase towards our brand”

    This is one of many interesting topics

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Louise Mølgaard Vidkjær 10-03-2019 14:31:57
16 enig4 uenig


Hvis alle handler på nettet, så var det måske at finde på noget som man ikke kan handle på nettet.. apropos de mange frisører i helsingør.

FAQ Udvikling SupportPage: 3
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