
Restaurants eateries and dining Helsingoer - North Zealand

Restaurants North Zealand

Discover Elsinore's culinary world and let yourself be seduced by all the small, charming restaurants, cafes and eateries. Go dining in the city center.

Helsingør City
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In Elsinore and smiling North Zealand there are restaurants and eateries for all tastes. &Nbsp; It is not only the brain, the heart and the feet who are participating in an experience around Elsinore - the taste buds must also take a trip!

The best and nicest restaurants you will find in the inner city of Elsinore, around the pedestrian streets Stengade, Bjerggade, Stjernegade, Sct Olaigade and Axeltorv.

Christmas opening hours 2022:

Sunday, December 2nd, Santa's arrival, open at. 11-15
Sunday 9th & amp; 16th of December, open at. 11-15
Last week up to Christmas (17-22. December), open all days till. 19:00
Sunday 23 December, open until 18:00
New Year's Day, 31.12, open from kl. 10 to 14

See a lot more restaurants and eateries in Elsinore

Elsinore with the many original specialty stores,   the cozy cafes, restaurants and eateries set in beautiful surroundings and nice town environments.

About Danish food culture, read The Nordic cuisine and Do Not miss "a taste Of Denmark" that you can experience authentic at a local restaurant In the Hamlet town Of Elsinore

Cafe Olai Helsingør

Restaurant Café Olai

Restaurant Café Olai is one of the oldest restaurants in the city and has a well-groomed renumé that extends far beyond the country's borders.

The restaurant opened the doors for the first time on Dec. 10th. 1987, and today is an institution in the city.

Café Olai reflects the old Elsinore in both miracle and decor, and even the prices are like 1/4 century ago.

Restaurant Olai is one of the best eateries in Helsingoer and is regularly mentioned in the magazines Travel News and Globetrotter, as part of the culture of Elsinore

visit helsingør

Recommended by:

Restaurant Olai is a tradition, Danish cuisine and the restaurant has a wide and well-stocked menu.

Cold lunches and / or the best Danish Open sandwiches (Smørrebrød) are a specialty you can expect from the high-grade restaurant.

Restaurant Olai Elsinore does not have white tablecloths and a waiter at each table, in turn, there are cute and smiling girls serving you at the buffet and will do everything to make your visit an experience you want to repeat.

You can always get an informed balance on your gift card at Café Olai.

Open all days: 10:00 - 22:00 Kitchen closes 1 hour before.

Find Café Olai on
Sct Olaigade 19

Table Booking Phone: +45 49 20 16 07
or online Café Olai Table Booking.

Se Cafe Olai menukort

Cafe Kaiser Helsingør

Café Kaiser is a nice cafe located in the heart of Helsingør.

We are proud and standing for the food we serve For our guests.

Are you in doubt about which right to choose? Or, if you have an allergy that you are in doubt, form part of the right you would like. SO, you can be safe, ask for help. We will guide you in the right direction.

Café Kaiser hit the doors For the first time on June 10, 2014.

Right from the first day our goal has been to create a nice and good atmosphere For our guests.

We strive to spoil our guests with good food and whimsical serving.

At Café Kaiser we welcome everyone with a smile with the hope that you will feel at home.
We look forward to seeing you.

In the weekends we offer a delicious brunch dish, Saturday and Sunday we have a large brunch buffet with drinks incl. eg juice, smoothie, coffee, tea or cava.

Sunday - Thursday at. 10:00 to 22:00 Friday - Saturday at. 10:00 to 23:00 (the kitchen is open at 10:00 - 21:00)

Contact: Café Kaiser

ribhouse Helsingør

Rib House Restaurant
Rib House is a steakhouse and family-inspired restaurant.

We specialize in spareribs and steaks on the best quality grill.

At the Rib House restaurant you can 'almost' get what you want it ...

We are experts in managing guests in the best way and quickly creating it mood that suits your party and your wishes.

Have a chat with us next time you have to keep something 'round' or just fill in years if you are going to arrange this year's class celebration for old students if housewarming is not to be held in your new home or .. . - Then we are ready to create the framework for a moodful day.
Call your local Rib House and hear more about the options for your party.

Rib House uses only top-quality meat - first-class meat. We will deliver fresh meat as we cut out in the house, directly from our fantastic butchery. We constantly keep an eye on the quality level and must recognize that after many years of cooperation we have never been disappointed with the level - simply top-class.

Opening hours: Man-Tors & Sun 11: 00-22: 00 Fri-Sat: 11: 00-23: 00

Find many more restaurants and good dining in Helsingoer

Café Chaplin Helsingør

Restaurant Chaplins is a Municipal-social program as a restaurant. The cozy café at Axeltorv in Helsingør offers the best Brunch in the city.

Café Chaplin is a social economy business - a private housing, employment and education offer for people with special needs.

Chaplin was established in 2003 and operates among other things. Café Chaplin, a lively and busy café centrally located in Helsingør's town center with a courtyard, a view of the square and outdoor dining in the summer.

There are employees with special needs who are at the front of Café Chaplin's daily operations. Here, each of them carries out their work and responsibilities, in parallel with the fact that a professional educational staff guides and supports the individual employee.

Charlie Chaplin's famous film is entirely its own. A figure that flawlessly manages through the challenges of life, and as with its narratives of life has managed to get caught up and 'move into' the consciousness of most people. The Chaplin figure sets the standards of society by the edge of them. He enriches us, his spectators, by his simple way of living and his moving creature.

opening hours
Everyday (Monday - Friday)
Brunch Buffet - kl. 1000 - 1300
Coffee and cake - kl. 1300 - 1500
Weekend (Saturday - Sunday) Closed

Café Chaplin Kampergade 3, 3000 Helsingør



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